Monday 10 February, 2025

Quality Management System

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  • It is a management system consisting of several different activities designed to provide good services for the aim of achieving the expectations and satisfaction of beneficiaries from the 1st time and each time and throughout the good performance of employees of the Nationality, Passports & Residence Affairs and the commitment to the prescribed standards and regulations and with a high level of quality at the lowest cost and minimum period possible.  
  • On 6 April 2008, Decision No. AP/CCA/AD/3040 was issued by his Excellency, Undersecretary of Ministry of Interior for Nationality, Passports & Residence Affairs, to form the Coordinating Committee for the implementation and development of quality management system for quality assurance and accreditation, in line with the Council of Ministers' decision no. 33 of year 2004.
  • Implementation to the decision issued by HE Undersecretary for Nationality, Passports & Residence Affairs; the Supreme Coordinating Committee was formed to establish and implement the Quality Management System in the NPRA.
  • Nationality, Passports & residence Affairs is aware of the fact that for achieving successful operation and services, the directorate must determine its own rules clearly, leading towards a continuous loop of permanent development and improvement. Hence, the NPRA established a documented, effective and defined quality management system, matched with all requirements of standard ISO 9001.2015. The Directorate is always keen to safeguard this system and maintain it continuously. The system includes the following:

     - Defining the process required to implement the quality system.
     - Determining the criteria and methods needed to ensure the effective operation and control of these operations.
     - Determining the sequence and interactions between these operations.
     - Identifying and monitoring resources and information necessary to support operations and ensure availability.
     - Identifying the ways to measure and analyze these operations.
     - Taking the necessary measures to reach the targeted results and the continuous improvement of operations.
     - Nationality, Passports & Residence Affairs establishes and maintains records of quality so that these records are evidence for implementation of specific requirements as well as a tool for measuring the efficiency of quality management systems, identifying areas of improvement. The action of setting the quality records reflects the required measures needed to identify, store, protect and retrieve and dispose these records.  
     - Monitoring operations and activities that are taking place outside the scope of directorate which are related to services and activities of Nationality, Passports & Residence and defining also the methods suitable for monitoring.

  • Nationality, Passports & Residence Affairs established and documented the Quality Management System as follows:

     - Documented statement of quality policy and objectives.
     - General policy of the Nationality, Passports & Residence Affairs (Vision, missions, goals and values)
     - Quality manual.
     - Services, documented procedures and records required and which are compatible to the International Standard ISO 9001.2015.
     - Documents & records: Including records necessary needed to guarantee the planning, operation and effective control of the Nationality, Passports & Residence Affairs operations.

  • Senior management of Nationality, Passports & Residence Affairs is committed to develop and implement the Quality Management System in their activities and to maintain a sustainable improvement to its effectiveness throughout:
         - Informing and educating all employees of Nationality, Passports & residence Affairs and clarifying the importance of fulfilling the requirements of beneficiaries, in addition to the commitment to regulatory and legislative requirements through regular meetings.
         - Establish and document the quality policy statement.
         - Ensure the identification and development of quality objectives.
         - Evaluate the effectiveness of quality management system during the implementation of directorate's reviews.
         - Ensuring the provision of necessary resources needed to ensure effective operation and delivery of services in high level of satisfaction to beneficiaries.
  • Senior management is keen to provide support and meet the requirements of beneficiaries (Inside & outside the Kingdom) in order to enhance overall satisfaction.
  • Nationality, Passports & Residence Affairs uses specific periodical methods and procedures to know and evaluate the expectations of its partners and to address their complaints.
  • HE Undersecretary of Ministry of Interior for Nationality, Passports & Residence issued the Administrative Assignment No.(AP/CAC/ED/2/2321) on 1 February 2010, assigning a representative for the Quality System in Nationality, Passports & Residence Affairs, his/her important duties shall be as follows:
         - Participating with the senior management in the development of policies and objectives related to quality management and follow up implementation and measurement of indicators.
         - Business planning of internal audit in accordance with the procedures and established plans and providing the necessary reports on results to senior management.
         - Monitoring the implementation of corrective and preventative operations that occur in directorate regarding cases of non-conformance and customer complaints and to provide the necessary reports.
         - Preparation of management review meetings and monitoring the implementation of all decisions, recommendations and assignments related.
         - Ensuring that employees of Nationality, Passports & Residence Affairs all at levels  are aware of the requirements of beneficiaries and to monitor the level of overall performance of the institution regarding quality and to provide the necessary related reports to senior management including all possible proposed chances for improvement.
         - Ensuring to maintain the implementation of laws and labor legislation and to follow up updates continuously.
         - Establishment of time plans for the required measurements procedures and to identify teams work.

This chart shows the interrelationships between the operations of Quality Management System and other provided operations and services.